About 49th Production Films

Skinny Corleone
Founder/CEO of 49th Parallel films
Founder/Lead Agent @ 49th Parallel Bookings & Mgmt
49th Parallel Films is a leading entity in video and motion picture production and post editing, especially in urban feature and short dramas, videos, documentaries etc.
49th Paralell Films is now looking to build its current video and film library for mobile, home, web and thearical entertainment.
During it's inception, 49th Parallel has grown into a formidable leading, trendsetter and Award winning Production Company via it's Founder-Producer-Director Skinny Corleone and looks to venture into the fields of Television production & syndication as well as Digital Distribution for film productions and eventually make acquisitions to foster more growth of its video-film library through strategic networking, collaborations and partnerships.

Started out as an individual Freelance Agent in 2009, Skinny Corleone then started 49th Parallel Bookings & Mgmt as an agency in November 2013 to sign Acting talent and submit them to variety of gigs including Short & Full length Dramatic Film, TV, Video, Commercials, PSA, Web-Series and Stage Plays in the Mid-Atlantic, East Coast and Southern State markets.