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Development - Original Film / TV content early stages of development


Director:  Skinny Corleone

Screenwriters:  Matt Thurmon and Skinny Corleone

Genre:  Drama​/Action


On assignment, Feenix must try to balance love and career, while in pursuit of her First D.A.T.E. 

*in Post production


Director, Editor, Producer:  Skinny Corleone

Screenwriters:  Skinny Corleone 

Starring Amanda FAye

Genre:  Drama​/Action


Based off of the character and Skit by Chico DeNegro of Maurice DMV Producrions. A young woman who has discovered her secret powers, has unwittingly attracted the attention of the FEDS and a secret organization out to get her. 

*Now in Production

coming soon


Skinny Corleone


Nikisha Butler 

Shooting Begins:




Skinny Corleone


Skinny Corleone 

Shooting Begins:


Product Placement

49th Parallel Films is pleased to announce that we are offering product placement for our upcoming and current film projects. We are seeking Individuals as well as corporate and/or local businesses interested in advertising and placing their product or service in our films.


This allows your product or service to be visually advertised in a scene(s) in our films to the masses. Rates and/or Partnerships do apply. 


Our films will be screened, submitted to film festivals and submitting to various companies in hopes of landing a VOD and/or theatrical distribution deal.  Imagine your product or service being viewed by thousands and possibly millions everytime our film(s) are promoted and pushed on various platforms and viewed by our customers and fans. 


If you and your company are interested, please submit your company information (via our CONTACT Page), about your product or service, and we will get back to you about the awesome opportunities we have available for Product Placement in our films.


Or call Us at 1-877-279-7299



CEO Skinny Corleone

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